Sector / Sustainable Industrial Policy

Sustainable industrial development concept with grass growing in shape of factory

Industry is an extremely important element of circular economy and the rational management and recovery of waste. Apart from the environmental dimension of this issue, industry’s shift towards circular economy is also crucial for enhancing the competitiveness of
our economy in international markets.

Reducing the environmental footprint, the carbon footprint and the production costs via product re-engineering and material reuse, recycling and energy recovery, according to the waste management hierarchy are now dominant in boosting the eco-efficient operation of the industry. In this context, new product design and industrial symbiosis, with organized and systematic waste recovery of an industry as a secondary raw material from another, can act as a catalyst.

Industry can therefore make a decisive contribution to restarting the economy and sustainable development by moving towards a circular economy and protecting the environment through new product design and industrial symbiosis and maximum resource economy and waste recovery.

 In the present pages the specialized actions, proposals and positions of HSWMA for the Sector of Sustainable Industrial Policy

Sector Head: P. Papadeas