
EEDSA is organized in 5 Development Sectors with 5 Directors – Members of the Board and
small Sectorial Secretariats consisting of HSWMA members and friends.

In addition, Permanent Committees or Working Groups may be set up with HSWMA
members operating within the Action Area.

1. Sustainable Industrial Policy

2. Blue Circular Economy

3. Innovation & Technology

4. Legislation & Governance

5. Communication & Networking

The Development Sectors prepare the HSWMA policy / positions and organize events for its

Further objectives of the Development Action Areas are:

1. To promote HSWMA as a reliable scientific body and consultant of the Authorities, as well
as an extrovert organization doing interventions.

2. To organize synergies and liaison initiatives with other agencies

3. To provide useful services to members and opportunities for joining new colleagues in
collective work

4. To disseminate the know-how to the Regional Authorities, Municipalities etc.

5. To organize educational conferences, workshops, open dialogue meetings and more.