Subscription Fees – Subscription Renewal Fees

For Regular Members

For Subscription Renewal Fee please deposit to the following bank details: ALPHA BANK
(Account No.: 858.00.2002.001979, ΙΒΑΝ: GR 03 0140 8580 8580 0200 2001 979) For Regular Members the annual fee is: 30 euros.

For HSWMA Institutional Members

For Subscription Renewal Fee please deposit to the following bank details: ALPHA BANK
(Account No.: 858.00.2002.001979, ΙΒΑΝ: GR 03 0140 8580 8580 0200 2001 979) For Institutional Members the annual fee is: 150 euros.

For Students

For Subscription Renewal Fee please deposit to the following bank details:
(Account No.: 858.00.2002.001979, ΙΒΑΝ: GR 03 0140 8580 8580 0200 2001 979) For Students – HSWMA Members the annual fee is: 15 euros.